Message From Academic Dean

What a privilege to share with you from the Dean of students' desk! This office handles all students' affairs in the college. As iron sharpens iron, we co-operate with a qualified competent staff who are experienced to guarantee your preparation, training, and growth as required for Christian ministry. This office ensures that your spiritual fervor and passion for God keep burning.

This is done through our prayer devotions, fellowships and mission outreaches. We guide your charisma and character to keep in balance through our teacher- to -student counseling and guidance sessions. In the same quest for sharpening and empowering our students, we place them under seasoned servants of God for internship. This still prepares them to produce mature ministries with sound biblical doctrines.

We believe that when God calls men and women, he prepares them and then commissions them into positions of responsibility. This is the best way the pitfalls that disable his servants can be avoided. Do not forget the people in Hosea's days who were destroyed and priests who were rejected by God for lack of knowledge(Hosea 4:6) Glad Tidings Bible Collage exists to Sharpen and empower you to lead a holistic mature Christian life acceptable to God and man.

May God bless you as you join Glad Tidings Bible College!

Mr. Lubira Eric


Join our community of students whom God has called to proclaim the gospel.

Diploma in Bible and Theology with Education

This program is designed to introduce students to key theological disciplines of Bible studies, Spiritual Leadership, Church History, Counselling and Christian Ministry.

Diploma in Christian Ministry

The Diploma in Christian Ministry is primarily set up for part-time students. It has a requirement of 64 credit hours which means it can be completed in 2 years on a part-time basis.

Diploma In Christian Counselling

Diploma in Christian Counseling (DCC) gives you an in depth study of models and theories of counseling practice integrated with biblical principles for effective applications.

Certificate in Christian Ministry

The Certificate in Christian Ministry is the basic essential award we offer in our curriculum. The curriculum is designed for both ordained and lay leaders on part-time and full-time non-resident basis.

Leadership Development Program

Candidates who attend this course will be able to interact and learn what it takes be a 21st century successful Christian leader. Through the course you will be able to meet people like yourself who...


Join our community of students whom God has called to proclaim the gospel.