The History of Glad Tidings Bible College

Glad Tidings Bible College started in the early part of the 1960’s. The missionaries of `The Gospel Mission to Uganda’ had recently arrived in Uganda and found themselves in the midst of a revival. They were in awe with the number of people turning to Christ and decided to start a short-term training program to rise up ministers for this growing work.

Today the school continues in spite of the years of war and uncertainty Uganda has faced. The focus of the school has not changed from its original concept of training ministers. But the methods and facilities used have been greatly added to over the years. The school now finds itself in the center of Kampala and draws students from all over the Great Lakes region.

The name `Glad Tidings Bible College’ reflects the ultimate purpose of the school. We are called to be a center that sends out those carrying the message of the `Good News’. “How lovely on the mountain are the feet of Him who brings `Glad Tidings’“ Isaiah 52:7

Our purpose is to serve this generation of ministers whom God has called to proclaim the gospel. We desire to give them the best possible training and mentoring so that they are well equipped for God’s purposes. As you consider God’s calling on your life we invite you to look at the courses we offer and see if Glad Tidings might be just the place for you.


Join our community of students whom God has called to proclaim the gospel.