Available Scholarships

Knowing that many capable candidates cannot afford to pay for all costs of their training, the college offers a few partial scholarships to students; however these are competitive and are given based certain criteria.

  • Dorothy Williams Scholarship: This is a trust fund that was established by the first Principal of Glad Tidings Bible College, Mrs. Dorothy Williams to help needy student s from the Full Gospel Churches of Uganda. With their pastor’s recommendation, only members of Full Gospel Churches of Uganda are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
  • Principal's Scholarship: The scholarship committee with the recommendation of the Students' Dean assesses the character, academic performance, leadership potential, and need of potential candidates after which they choose the best suited candidate for this scholarship. It is not applied for.
  1. Those who apply for these scholarships must be continuing full- time certificate Diploma in Theology/ Diploma in Ministry students taking a minimum of 16 credit hours per term.
  2. They must have and maintain a minimum G.P.A of 2.5 per term.
  3. They must exemplify leadership character and evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
  4. These scholarships are renewable every year.
  5. A student cannot be granted both scholarships at the same time.

Note: These are not full-tuition scholarships.


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