Our Philosophy

We feel that God has given us a very clear vision on how to equip men and women for the ministry. This vision has been born through over 50 years of experience in training East African Leaders. This vision was further clarified by the former principal and now has become the standard by which we measure every activity in the college. The philosophy is presented as follows:

To Discern
To Serve
To Be Empowered

a) To Discern

This relates to the academic program of the school. All courses in the school are comprehensive in their content and are taught by well-qualified teachers. The Academic Dean oversees all aspects of this program to ensure that a high standard is maintained. Our purpose in the academic program is to disciple students in the skills of digesting and then applying the material they receive. Course notes are designed in such a way that students are given constant review exercises, research projects and application assignments. This process of learning teaches students how to discern God’s word for godly leadership.

b) To Serve

This relates primarily to the leadership development program in the school. We believe that leaders are both made and born. Therefore we give equal time in the school program for both leadership training and academic studies. This is overseen by the Dean of Students. A holistic approach is taken to student development in this program. Through the process of mentoring, the students learn interpersonal skills, self development skills, character development, time management and other such skills. The hope of the school is that by the time the students graduate they will have understood what it means to be a servant leader.

c) To Be Empowered

We believe that the doctrines and creeds of Christianity cannot be only studied but must also be actively experienced. This is most definitely true for the person of the Holy Spirit. Students experience the reality of the Holy Spirit in the chapels, through times of prayer and fasting and by participating in ministry.


Join our community of students whom God has called to proclaim the gospel.