Home Academic Policies
Students are to sit exams when exams are scheduled. Students must obtain an exam pass from the registrar before sitting. The exam pass will be issued only to students whose financial bills are in order and who have had sufficient attendance for class.
For example, coursework originally worth 100 marks, but submitted one day late, will suffer a penalty of 10% off its grade, and thus reduce its maximum possible grade to 90. At 2 days late, the penalty is 20 marks and the highest possible grade is 80.
At 4 days late, the penalty is 40 marks, which means an “A” quality paper receives a grade of D-. At 5 days late and thereafter, all coursework will normally receive a failing grade.
Exceptions to these penalties may be granted in case of emergency situations as described below.
If a student allows other concerns to take precedence over sitting exams, the student must realize the school is under no obligation to adjust its exam schedule to accommodate the student’s personal life. In most cases, therefore, no late exams will be offered. A student who misses exams can only pass the course by re-registering for the course the next time it is offered, including paying the normal tuition fees.
The school, at its discretion, may offer late exams, with academic penalty, within two weeks after the courses finish. Students who, for exceptional personal reasons, missed sitting a final exam may appeal in writing to the Academic Dean, explaining their situation and requesting to be allowed to sit a late exam.
If the Academic Dean approves, the student may sit the exam after paying late sitting fees of UGX 15,000/= (subject to revision) per exam. Late exams will be penalized 25 marks, so that the highest possible grade on a late exam is C.
(Note: it is only those who scored 48% and above who need apply for this consideration). There is a re-sitting fee of Ug.shs. 15,000/= (subject to revision) per exam.
The normal course fees will apply. The grade earned in a repeated course will appear on the student’s transcript, replacing the original failing grade. Normally a student will not be allowed to attempt a course a third time after failing twice. A passed course may not be repeated.